Your Leader in Personnel Protection & Nuclear Waste Disposal

The strategic partner for reducing spending, improving operations, and increasing safety at your nuclear plants.

Nuclear Protective Clothing

Waste Management

Tool & Metal Decon

Just-In-Time Inventory

Over 50% of the world’s nuclear reactors use UniTech protective clothing

100% of National Labs serviced

$3 million in BSFR saving for our waste management customers last year

5 million lbs. of materials decontaminated each year

300,000 respirators serviced each year

10,000+ available products for just-in-time inventory

UniTech Services Group became the first licensed provider of radiological laundry in the United States in 1957. UniTech continues to be a leader in providing nuclear personnel protection and laundry, plus the company has expanded its nuclear services to include the following:

Nuclear Personnel Protection

As UniTech’s core service since inception, providing nuclear protective clothing and radiological laundry is essential to the work of nuclear facilities. At UniTech, we provide personnel protection to 80 percent of all United States commercial power reactors and Department of Energy nuclear facilities, as well as many facilities in Canada.

Nuclear Waste Disposal & Reduction

UniTech provides nuclear waste disposal services to nuclear facilities in the United States and Canada through its Bulk Survey for Release (BSFR) licensure. Proper disposal of nuclear waste is imperative to sustaining the environment and high-level radioactive waste should be disposed of by trained professionals.

Nuclear Decommissioning

The decommissioning of a nuclear power plant is necessary when a nuclear reactor is retired. To support decommissioning of nuclear power plants in the United States, UniTech leases protective garments, respiratory equipment, fall protection equipment, and other personnel protection equipment to be used on-demand during decommissioning projects. UniTech’s team provides just-in-time inventory of all necessary nuclear decommissioning safety products.

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